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Okay? Okay.

uploaded: Sat, Mar 29, 2014 @ 8:08 PM
Recommends (17)

You say ‘okay’ and I’ll say ‘ok’
A promise that we both made
And I know that we’ll never say
Who saved who and in what way

I’ll pack away the pictures
Your sweatshirt and your cigarettes
I’ll stack away the letters
And the time we never spent

And I know time is running
Like a sight you can’t un-see.
Stay with me for just this moment
Please, just one more moment with me.
I’ll never grow old with you
I’ll never grow old with you.
I’ll never grow old with you
I’ll never grow old with you.

You spoke of oblivion
Like it could be conquered by will
Now oblivion conquered you
And I will love you still

And I know time is running
Like a sight you can’t un-see.
Stay with me for just this moment
Please, just one more moment with me.
I’ll never grow old with you
I’ll never grow old with you.
And I’ll never grow old with you
And I’ll never grow old with you.

Based on the book The Fault in Our Stars.

"Okay? Okay."
by kizzylotus

2014 - Licensed under
Creative Commons
Attribution Noncommercial (3.0)

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