Imagination Rising Remix Event
Home » People » khidir » "Routine"


uploaded: Fri, Nov 28, 2008 @ 3:00 PM last modified: Mon, Dec 1, 2008 @ 10:12 PM  (replace)
FeaturingRiyu Konaka
Recommends (6)
Composed a simple song around an impressive reading by Riyu Konaka. I couldn’t find the original file on this site so I just linked to duckett’s remix which uses it.

Good Morning!
Hi. My name is Uni.
I’m growing up with the world
Oh, hurry up daddy, mommy’s appearing on T.V. again
“Hi, mommy!”
See, mommy is the first president on Planet Earth

Here come Inuits, Aboriginis, Crabs,Giraffes, conference on the beach
The breeze on the Palm Trees, they seem cool
Mommy’s fashion, a cross on her neck, beads on her wrist, veil on her mouth
“Let’s release God from religion” she shouts

6 said yes, 6 said no
Well, once more, let’s do it again
3 said yes, 9 said no
All right, all right
“Let’s release God from religion”

Du-du, du-du, du-dududu, du-du
Mama is the bravest girl in the world
Du-du, du-du, du-dududu, du-du
She is always thinking about ‘people’

Hey Dad, Mommy’s saying something on T.V. again,
“Just a moment, I’m busy doing the dishes”
In Congress, the percentage of men and women are fifty-fifty
The same ratio as Planet Earth
“Balance is important”
Then, war and fickleness decreased, and the number of son-in-law taken into brides’ families increased

10 said yes, 10 said no, Well, once more, let’s do it again
6 said yes, 8 said no
All right, all right
“Let’s protect love from bad sex”

Du-du, du-du, du-dududu, du-du
Mommy is the wisest girl in the world
Du-du, du-du, du-dududu, du-du
She is always thinking about ‘people’

We babies are Challengers
we make the new world
Every night before I go to sleep, mommy always sings to me
“Uni, until now, more than 100 million babies were born on Earth, but still, nobody knows,
‘What kind of society is the fairest society?”

Mommy is the first president on Earth

by khidir

2008 - Licensed under
Creative Commons
Noncommercial Sampling Plus

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