Give Stuff Away
uploaded: Fri, Dec 31, 2010 @ 2:03 PM
Sackjo22 brought the Mixin’ Kitchen down last night to our place for a spectacular meal to end the year, and begin 2011. What luck to have her and Snowflake add their vocal talents to this fun little diddy featuring Loveshadow Cuajitben and Mind Map That!
I’m star struck and my heart is beating with a two step to this track. Enjoy! Thanks for a wonderful year of music making Happy mixing SM
by_and_by, media, remix, bpm_120_125, bass, cuajitoben, drums, female_vocals, guitar, loveshadow, male_vocals, mindmapthat, sackjo22, snowflake, spinningmerkaba, attribution, audio, mp3, 44k, stereo, CBR
Give Stuff Away
The Mixversation
Recommended by:
panu (panumoon), debbizo, Down With Ben (cuajitoben), SackJo22, error404 (presse), Anchor (anchormejans), Onyx_Inertia_Podcast, Subliminal, texasradiofish, unreal_dm, Alex (AlexBeroza), Pitx, musikpirat, Scott Altham (scottaltham), Kara Square (mindmapthat), Mana Junkie, Loveshadow, marcinn, colab, rifft (ForKicks), MC Jack in the Box (mcjackinthebox), mwic, Snowflake, coruscate, victor Found in 5 playlists
"Give Stuff Away"
by spinningmerkaba 2010 - Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) Click here for how to give credit and other conditions. Uses samples from: |