Song Title Indicates Meaning
uploaded: Wed, Jul 22, 2015 @ 5:58 PM
You know, it’s kind of like how purple popsicles taste like grape, and orange popsicles taste like oranges…
The process is pretty simple, you take an ambiguous piece of music, and give it a title that explicitly conveys an idea or emotion, and people will hear it in a way that goes along with that. The brain is primed to hear the message it expects to hear. Just think of it as a kind of in-joke. My way of making fun of something I’ve been listening to lately, but without actually calling out any fellow artists, because that would be rude.
media, remix, cczero, audio, mp3, 44k, stereo, CBR, instrumental, guitar, acoustic, lofi, alternative, minimal, jaspertine
The Mixversation
"Song Title Indicates Meaning"
by jaspertine Creative Commons CC0 (CC Zero) The artist has waived all rights. Click here for more information. |