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El Tango de la Esperanza Perdida

uploaded: Tue, Feb 2, 2010 @ 11:10 PM last modified: Wed, Feb 3, 2010 @ 11:01 PM  (add)
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Update: Ok, so I was apparently a bit fever-addled last night and uploaded an incomplete version. Oops. Here is the whole song, separated out, including my incredibly kickin’ percussion. I really wanted to do something more with it but I wanted to stay true to form, and I didn’t find a tango with much more drum-wise in it.

Also, there is a piano track because today I was finally able to sit up long enough to play piano.


So at home in bed with the (still) flu, I turned out this by pushing buttons on my computer. The flue has me too sick to play the real-deal so it’s synthetic squeezebox here. I hope the idea comes across.

This is a complete piece and has a vocal which will be added as soon as i rediscover my voice.

I have never written a tango and I doubt this will be my last. What a dramatic, romantic, slightly sinister dance. Needless to say I approve.

"El Tango de la Esperanza Perdida"
by jacindae

2010 - Licensed under
Creative Commons
Attribution Noncommercial (3.0)

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