Mixing-Celebratory Secret Mixter
Home » People » +++ A.M. mews by MommaLuv +++ » "tHE bUTTERFLY'S chIRP"


uploaded: Wed, Aug 26, 2009 @ 11:58 AM last modified: Fri, Feb 23, 2024 @ 2:21 PM  (replace)
by+++ A.M. mews by MommaLuv +++
Recommends (18)
tried to stay true to the artists remixed, of course added by own style of monotonous eargasm to it— prolly closer to a really bad case of rough sex. ;)


So many people draw a picture
leaving out the many colors
So many people climb a mountain
But they never make it to the top!

Oh oh
I scream you scream
We all scream for ice scream
Over the hills & every where

War Is live
Live is raw
Even at the end of the line
Who will count
How many times a butterfly
will flap its wings
and who will care once they see it
flutter by?

Society is medicated
Through the educated
Whom I find at times
basted bated batted beaded bearded bedded belted betted bided blasted bleated blended blessed blighted blinded bloated blood blood blotted blunted blurted boasted

im bored so bored

We are better off using human nature
As a barometer
Keeping our own minds safe & secure
Ive never met a pyschiatrists or a psychologists
Who to their quote unquoted expertise
Un pro gratis they offer?

Whether you are a vegetarian
Or a drug addict
You are still composed of the same organic
And you will still decompose into
the same cosmic seismic
dipstick seasick
on clouds
oh if you knew what drugs really do
tiddley winks blink blink
and how we all love the color pink!!
You see
I scream you scream
We all scream for ice scream
Over the hills & every where
un pro gratis

by +++ A.M. mews by MommaLuv +++

2009 - Licensed under
Creative Commons

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