Imagination Rising Remix Event
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Saint Bernard Rescue

uploaded: Sat, Jan 14, 2006 @ 10:46 PM
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This sample is a morph of an a capella song track of mine called “Saint Bernard Song”. As “Saint Bernard Song” seems so very dreadfully histrionic, yet earnest and folkie,
at home perhaps in a Nelson Riddle movie if Mr. Riddle were played by the late Fred Rogers, I decided to make use of the vocal sample for
morphing purposes. I dropped it into a wav to MIDI converter, and then reconfigured the music in MIDI to be played by symphonic strings at a given tempo. The result I’ve named “Saint Bernard Rescue”. I unpublished the a capella, which I’ll use elsewhere.

In my mind, this piece would remix nicely with lots of little synthesizer blips of the kind that Sleepless posts to this board with skill. However, rather than just post a remix, I thought I’d post it as a sample in case anyone wants to mine the strings for any other purposes.

This song appears on my album, “Haunting Voices”.

"Saint Bernard Rescue"
by gurdonark

2006 - Licensed under
Creative Commons

Click here for how to give credit and other conditions.

Samples are used in:

Video: White Out by BigTymers