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Home » People » gurdonark » "Children Fleeing Tanks"

Children Fleeing Tanks

uploaded: Sun, Aug 17, 2008 @ 4:01 PM
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The commentators on the news fill my ears with facts and speculations. Who fired first? Who fired best? What are the body counts? Which dignitary is en route? What speeches are being made? What talks are in session? Is the asset strategic?

No matter who is in the right, and who is in the wrong, even assuming anyone is in the right or in the wrong, children flee tanks.

Tanks travel a lot faster than children do. Tanks roll over whatever is in their path.

A precision bomb need only be slightly imprecise to obliterate a row of flats. A child sees a plane in mid-air, and turns, and points, and smiles. A plane at war rains shrapnel upon children. A mushroom cloud rising from a civilian city takes children holding pets.

Children and other non-combatants don’t need to know the reason for war. They just need for people to figure out ways to resolve crises without war.

This is not a soundscape of sophisticated theories or political wisdom.

This is a sound-collage that believes that children are in the right, and the way that war afflicts children is wrong.

"Children Fleeing Tanks"
by gurdonark

2008 - Licensed under
Creative Commons
Noncommercial Sampling Plus

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