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Guilty by Association (Existential Noir Mix)

uploaded: Fri, May 4, 2007 @ 2:03 PM
byJohn Pazdan
FeaturingKCentric and John Pazdan
Recommends (9)
I really like the statement here, and KCentric’s spooky-cool (combination of film noir/DJ Spooky…) delivery. After trying a variety of methods and mixes (before listening to any of the remixes, btw) I came to a blistering 170 bpm bop mambo drum background..however, to flesh that out a bit, I started to construct a Bernard Hermann-esque bed..and while making said bed (sorry), I found that I really liked it just that drums, no beatzzz, no filler, just the simple piano tag at the end..Minimalism for Moderne Angst….I suppose I HAVE been watching a few too many film noir things lately..but I think this works..anyone have a nice black and white video they want scored?

"Guilty by Association (Existential Noir Mix)"
by John Pazdan

2007 - Licensed under
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