Resilience Secret Mixter Mixing in Progress
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You Do You, Mana Junkie

uploaded: Sun, Apr 5, 2020 @ 4:24 AM
FeaturingMana Junkie
Recommends (22)
For this Secret Mixter I drew Mana Junkie. I usually look for a piece of work I feel has been overlooked in the artist’s uploads but Mana’s One Sided Conversation spoke to me on so many levels. The snippets I chose to use I know many can relate to, myself included.

This is a sort of imagined therapy session. Without thinking of it at the time I suppose I am thinking of our indirect connections now.

“I don’t know how to write a song.” It doesn’t matter what you do because whatever you do is a form of expression and that expression will do you good and should you choose to share it, it will help someone else. “Probably sound like a frog in a blender”….Love this line, had to play with it. My family says I sing like a strangled cat, so not to worry my friend.

We are in tough times. They were tough before this virus hit and they are only getting tougher. This is not the time for critics and nit-pickers, especially the demons inside our own heads. Give yourselves a big hug, and if loved ones are near and allowed to get close, give them one too.

Thanks as always Mixter Admins for keeping the lights on and the inspiration coming!

"You Do You, Mana Junkie"
by essesq

2020 - Licensed under
Creative Commons
Attribution (3.0)

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