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Thank You For Your Consideration

uploaded: Mon, May 7, 2012 @ 6:48 PM
FeaturingJavolenus, audiotechnica,clients,fellow lawyers, and most of all...friends
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Although I hate poets who tell people what to think about their poetry know that this one has a dual meaning. First is the thought of the consideration of friends and loved ones. Second is the fact that I close all of my legal correspondence with the sentence “Thank you for your consideration.” followed by “Very truly yours.” Draw your own conclusions.

Thanks to AT and Javo for a stupendous track :-). Great job guys!

Thank You For Your Consideration

Thank you for your consideration,
For taking time to think of me
Or what I had to say.
Whether your thoughts were kind
Or vexatious,
I am grateful.
A shade more than a passing thought,
Your consideration lingered
Like a hand atop my own.
And as you looked into my eyes
I knew at once
You understood.

essesq May 7, 2012

"Thank You For Your Consideration"
by essesq

2012 - Licensed under
Creative Commons
Attribution Noncommercial (3.0)

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