Some Find Water
uploaded: Mon, Aug 3, 2009 @ 11:38 PM
media, remix, bpm_100_105, trackback, in_video, nc_sampling_plus, audio, mp3, 44k, stereo, CBR, electronic, experimental, female_vocals, loops, male_vocals
Some Find Water
The Mixversation
Recommended by:
Neurowaxx, Leza Boyland (Leza2unes), unreal_dm, Alex (AlexBeroza), colab, Calling Sister Midnight (romancito), Subliminal, CiggiBurns, teru, timberman (Per), panu (panumoon), Speck, Anchor (anchormejans), SackJo22, tripledoubler, radiotimes, oldDog, ditto ditto (ditto), Meta_Led, jyew, J.Lang (djlang59), MiElle, wellman, spliffvalley, mykleanthony Found in 3 playlists
"Some Find Water"
by duckett 2009 - Licensed under Creative Commons Noncommercial Sampling Plus Click here for how to give credit and other conditions. Uses samples from:
by mykleanthony