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Find A Reason

uploaded: Tue, Feb 5, 2013 @ 12:55 PM
byDonnie Drost
Recommends (16)
Find A Reason (Tryin’ To)
vocals words & melody by fhciii

I cry & weep
Tryin’ to find a reason for the sadness that we bear
Every night
And I just can’t sleep No
Tryin’ to find a reason for the madness that we share

Tryin’ to find a reason
For the problems in this world
Tryin’ to find a reason
For the heartaches we endure
Tryin’ to find a reason
For the tears we always cry
Tryin’ to find a reason
For the pressure
Ease the pressure


Verse 2:
People say
Just you believe
In the power of a father that we’ll never see
So I say to you
Don’t be deceived
All we have is one another - Will you stand with me?
Keep on—

"Find A Reason"
by Donnie Drost

2013 - Licensed under
Creative Commons
Attribution Noncommercial (3.0)

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