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India Shining

uploaded: Mon, May 7, 2007 @ 4:16 PM last modified: Mon, May 7, 2007 @ 4:47 PM  (add)
byColin Mutchler
Recommends (7)
Words written after two weeks meeting with entrepreneurs in Mumbai and Bangalore, India with Insead business school.

Note: See two versions of acappella and a version with drums. For more background, check out the presentation on youtube.


India Shining, as we walk to the beat,
of people surving, with what they sell on the street.

India Shining, yes the weather is sweet.
People are climbing, while the West is asleep.

The overstretched 19th century elephant lumbers toward anarchy,
while the 21st century mind ebraces chaotic democracy.

Yes 1 billion strong are rising to the mainstream,
the brain drain reversed course,
as the home country gains the valley’s cream, of the top crop.

But the taxis are stuck in traffic,
and the governments are slow to change.
And the youth consumers of nokia’s futures
are breathing pollution and more of the same.

India Shining, as we walk to the beat,
of people surving, with what they sell on the street.

India Shining, yes the weather is sweet.
People are climbing, while the West is asleep.

"India Shining"
by Colin Mutchler

2007 - Licensed under
Creative Commons
Attribution Noncommercial (3.0)

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