

uploaded: Sun, Jun 8, 2014 @ 9:08 PM last modified: Sun, Jun 8, 2014 @ 9:09 PM  (add)
byHEKTOR THILLET (coffeeeurope)
FeaturingEmily Richards & BVGMusic
Recommends (13)
*Note: This is a vocal collaboration between Emily and myself for which we used a commercial-free track to guide the acapella. I uploaded the mix along with the pellas since the instrumental is not on ccmixter and can not be uploaded as a cc-remix of existing samples since the whole bundle is new to this site. Hope this make sense… I tried my best to make sense out of it [lol]*

Any who… about this mix, the vocal collaboration, the fun time that was had. I wrote a short poem titled ‘LIKE’ and posted it on my Facebook about a month ago. Emily “liked it” [lol], and asked if I would do a recording of it for ccmixter. I did, and also invited her to contribute her beautiful voice to the piece. I did a sort of soft rap of my poem and added a small chorus… She… well, she just sounds awesome - who is surprised? Point is… we hope you LIKE it :D Enjoy.


Written & Performed by Hektor Thillet

I like you like I like sparkling genius
I like you geniusly like I like sparks

I like you like I like smiling strangers
I like you strangely like I like to smile

I like you like I like wonderful afternoons
I like you after noon like I like to wonder

I like you like I like warm seas
I like you seasoned like I like the warmth

I like you like I like living free
I like you freely like I like to live

I like you like I like walking home
I like you Homely like I like to walk

I like you like I like to kiss
I like you kissing like I like to

I like you like I like baring bodies
I like you body like I like your bare

I like you like I like watching stars
I like you starring like I like to watch

I like you like I like enchanting nights
I like you nightly like I like enchants

I like you like I like saying goodness
I like you good like I said at once


Like me Good
Like me Well
Like me Good
Like me Well
Like me good
Like me like
(2 xs) All the likes in the universe


That’s how I Like it, yeahhh… Baby! ;)

by HEKTOR THILLET (coffeeeurope)

2014 - Licensed under
Creative Commons
Attribution Noncommercial (3.0)

Click here for how to give credit and other conditions.