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The Rose Wall Dyad

uploaded: Mon, Apr 25, 2011 @ 7:26 AM last modified: Mon, Apr 25, 2011 @ 7:28 AM  (add)
byHEKTOR THILLET (coffeeeurope)
Recommends (12)
I wrote this song for a certain someone whom I loved, and still love very much; we have parted ways since… Still, in the vastness of space and time this song will always resonate the same feeling. I needed to put this piece out there under my own vision-had to get it out of my system. Thankfully I found Scott’s grippingly emotive track “Transitional Moment”, which was in my opinion the perfect bed for the vocals. I thank Scott very much for getting inspired and inspiring me [hope this serves as a ballad to your Avatar aspiration]. B-) Enjoy!

*Vocal is attached in the download section*


The Rose Wall Dyad
Written & performed By COFFEEEUROPE

Will have us both
Onto the wall
Where our rose grows

Will pins us back
And roots will grow
Your hand I’ll hold

The filler thins
Holding our stone
Hopes will crumble

Weathered lips
And youth will pass us by
Storms will rage
Pour and thunder

Don’t fear love
When a petal falls
‘Cause I am here
An ever tangling
Cruel mocking song
Perched in a hole
Peaks at our souls

Will battle wars
Deep wounds and blood
My White flag waves tall

Forcing its will
Like braking surf
Hearts will exhaust

"The Rose Wall Dyad"
by HEKTOR THILLET (coffeeeurope)

2011 - Licensed under
Creative Commons
Attribution Noncommercial (3.0)

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