Imagination Rising Remix Event
Home » People » HEKTOR THILLET (coffeeeurope) » "The White Cube - PELUSA"

The White Cube - PELUSA

uploaded: Thu, Nov 12, 2009 @ 11:23 AM
byHEKTOR THILLET (coffeeeurope)
Recommends (12)
How did I become interested in The White Cube Project?

To be honest, my nature obliged me. I am a professional fine artist with an eccentric stroke that won’t quit. This exhibition’s concept is certainly the stuff that tickles my fancy. So it had me at “art”…

How did I make the song?

First I grabbed Gurdonark’s sound pack; which is a winter delight of sounds [did I mention I am a serious winter geek?] Then, as I like to do, I went over to to find all the sound effects the picture in my mind was talking about. I started with a white canvas, in this case a clear loop of what reminded me of northern lights. To that I added static effects, as if the sound being presented was a strange wave found on a radio. I also added footsteps on the snow to represent the person walking whose thoughts we are tuning into. The rest of what takes place is a paradox of sound, thoughts, and sentiment simmering into ecstasy.

What Inspired the song?

The first time I ever saw snow, was also the day my ex of 3 years and I broke up for good. We lived in Boston then. That morning, after the quiet breakup, he went to work. I put on my boots, scarf, and went out for a walk in the city that was now completely cover in snow. As I walked the snow fell each time stronger. Flashes of everyday life with him began invading my mind and made me colder as I went on. But at some point, a happy thought of us laughing and being happy took center stage in my mind; and I began smiling and getting warmer. Something told me my love wasn’t leaving me, only him. My love would always be with me. Soon after I went and grabbed a cappuccino; as usual—things looked brighter. That is the picture I tried to paint in this song.

What does Pelusa mean?

Dust bunnies. Crazy thoughts. Stuff accumulating in your head. Something fluffy! ha!

Thanks Sackjo22 and Gurdonark; good luck with the exhibition. Wish I could go!

"The White Cube - PELUSA"
by HEKTOR THILLET (coffeeeurope)

2009 - Licensed under
Creative Commons
Attribution (3.0)

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