Your Turn
media, remix, bpm_060_065, editorial_pick, trackback, in_video, non_commercial, audio, mp3, 44k, stereo, CBR, alternative, ambient, bass, downtempo, drums, female_vocals, goth, guitar, piano, rock
Your Turn
The Mixversation
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Numeron, unreal_dm, stellarartwars, dotjot, panu (panumoon), Kara Square (mindmapthat), CSoul, annabloom, TheDICE, Joel Frijters (KungFuFrijters), pyrex, timberman (Per), rocavaco, Calyman (Lemoneight), duckett, Reekdeb Mal (Reekdeb), Kirkoid, mandthedband, spitzfaust, texasradiofish, Stefan Krüger (slight), bauhausmensch, Coram Deo Productions (Myndset) Found in 6 playlists
"Your Turn"
by Bang Bang Rouge 2012 - Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial (3.0) Click here for how to give credit and other conditions. Editorial pickThis dark, cinematic remix of Snowflake’s “The Key” by Bang Bang Rouge is hauntingly gripping. With its gothic orchestration, perfectly placed percussion, and a wonderfully melancholy piano, this is a must listen. Grab your headphones, press play, shut your eyes, and let it take you away… to the darkness… Mind Map That!
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