Imagination Rising Remix Event
Home » People » Anchor » "Nine"


uploaded: Sun, Jul 30, 2023 @ 10:48 AM
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I wrote this quite a few years ago. Awakened from a dream, I could already hear the lyrics. Wrote them down and recorded it all. Here is an updated version of ‘Nine’.

Promise me nine doors
a chain of nine keys
Moonlight and bright stars…nine mysteries
Brimstone and ember
roses and musk…
Lions at midnight
Guardians of trust
I sleep with the Muses
I walk with the king
Farewell days of judgement
I now wear the ring…
The black and the red
the sulphorus storm
is gone with the winter
as new life is born
Promise me nine doors
a chain of nine keys
Moonlight and bright stars…nine mysteries.
Play Nine

by Anchor

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