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Last Of England (Radiotimes Tribute)

uploaded: Wed, May 5, 2010 @ 2:30 PM
FeaturingOberon Skye (lead vocal),Moira "Ciggiburns" Waugh (female vox)
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This offering is first and foremost a tribute dedicated to “Radiotimes”. Many of you are familiar with his music and presence on cc.Mixter - though he has been en-absentia for quite some time.
“Last of England”, as a song, has a long story. Firstly, the music was composed by R.T. and gifted to me as backing score for my lyric written especially for the piece.
Next, I performed & recorded it but never uploaded it in it’s original form on cc.Mixter (though it was available on other sites). It was later re-arranged and uploaded in several versions: one, titled “Tales from a City”, sung as a duet with Moira Waugh.
This version, contains the original R.T. backing music and is sung by Oberon Skye. In his unique phrasing and delivery of the lyric, I feel he captures R.T.’s intended mood. The backing vocals and the surreal dream vocals in the “London Bridge” refrain are sung by Moira and me.
Where is the land we dreamed of?
Where too now, the hopes we bore?
Are we but the “Last of England”
Heading for a distant shore?

I knew you once as Titania
Then again as Fanny Price
Mansfield Park’s another suburb
Catherine’s left her Wuthering Heights.

I would be King - You could be the Queen - We would rule and reign Forever -
But we are lost
We’re adrift on the sea
We can’t see
Stormy weather
Rain and fog - Oh

I was Peter
You were Wendy
Never-Never land we found
When we heard the air raid siren
We huddled in the Underground

I have been Robin of Locksley
Nelson’s ghost at Trafalgar Square
A Dandy with a green carnation
The Beatles with their tosseld hair.
(London Bridge is falling -
falling down…get out of town)

Pack a bag
We’ll travel lightly
Wave bye to Dad and old Mum too
Leave the High Street and the Taxis
Come on now
Let’s bid Adieu.

Where is the land we dreamed of?
Where too now, the hopes we bore?
Are we but the “Last of England”
Heading for a distant shore?

I would be King - You would be the Queen - We would rule and reign Forever more………


"Last Of England (Radiotimes Tribute)"
by Anchor

2010 - Licensed under
Creative Commons
Attribution Noncommercial (3.0)

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