Imagination Rising Remix Event
Home » People » Admiral Bob » "Broken"


uploaded: Sun, Mar 11, 2018 @ 12:13 AM
byAdmiral Bob
FeaturingIvan Chew
Recommends (16)
No mixter left behind!

You know, though I am proud of what I got done in a short time on this, I wish people completing their assignments was universal. Ivan’s got such incredible sources, how could anyone fail to figure out what to do with them?


You take sayings from your mind
A turn of phrase Clark Gable must have said
I stop lead in bullet time
A take on the Matrix must be why I’m not dead
We halt frozen by the rhyme
Beaded water drops slow the march of time

Words slipping like rain down the tall fire escape
Carelessly rolling off our tongues
Cold falling, pelting, drowning out the flame
Waiting for more tears to come

Look at me with red eyes like a camera flash at night
Flaring with the menace of an emergency light
It’s the way I am - broken

Words slipping like rain down the tall fire escape
Carelessly rolling off our tongues
Cold falling pelting, drowning out the flame
Waiting for more tears to come

It’s the way that I need you
It’s the way that you have me
Broken, broken

by Admiral Bob

2018 - Licensed under
Creative Commons
Attribution (3.0)

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