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The Savvy & The Chic Vol1: Navigator *Album Compiled by Hektor Thillet*

uploaded: Tue, Oct 30, 2012 @ 8:41 PM
FeaturingBarbarella, ditto ditto, Calling Sister Midnight, Loveshadow, Omni, Dj Vadim, Matrixx & Dappa, Tamy Odea, kfunque, Fourstones, Perro Space, J.Lang, Sunbyrn, Olenergy (qpec), Rebecca Law, Justin de Guzman, Morusque, Travis Morgan, Norine Braun, Antony Raijekov, Frank Carter III, Cag, Trifonic, Amelia June, Unreal DM, Ciggi Burns, Matt Fatt, KatazTrophee
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*Download HQ album and cover art here*


The mix that started it all! B)

The inspiration behind The Savvy & the Chic lounge album series, is in the great artists found at the Creative Commons Music Community, who work together to share their sound with the world. Also a personal passion to blend the best in music [not discriminating on any genre or place of origin] and create a soothing and exotic sound for those savvy-chic moments in life. I has been 9 volumes now since we first set sail together. For myself, a wonderful musical journey, and hopefully for all those out there who have sailed along with me also. I thank everyone who lent a hand in the production of this album or inspired it in some shape or form. Thanks to the wonderful artists over at who made ‘The Savvy & The Chic Vol1: Navigator’ possible with their wonderful work. And, thanks along w all the friends I’ve made along the way for laying down a fertile creative foundation where projects like these can flourish. I invite you to navigate back to that original muse - it should be smooth sailing! B)

Hektor Thillet


1- Histoire de Rien (ft. Barbarella) by ditto ditto
2- I Got Chu ! (ft. Melody Romancito) by Loveshadow
3- Black Is The Night [Omni Vista’s Deep Mix] (ft. Dj Vadim)
4- Madrugada [Matrixx & Dappa’s Brazilian DiscoHouse Remix] (ft. Tamy Odea)
5- Graphic Design (ft. kfunque) by Fourstones
6- For you, i’ll go there (Perro Space Disco Mix) (ft. J.Lang)
7- Double Dragon (ft. Sunbyrn) by Olenergy (qpec)
8- Fall To Pieces (ft. Rebecca Law) by Justin de Guzman
9- Café Connection (ft. Morusque) by Travis Morgan
10- Be Brave [Dub-TripHop RMX] (ft. Norine Braun) by Antony Raijekov
11- Night Lover (ft. Frank Carter III) by Cag
12- The Sweetest Sin (ft. Trifonic & Amelia June) by Loveshadow
13- On the 131 [Unreal DM’s Jazz/Rock Mix] (ft. Ciggi Burns)
14- Out of Time [Matt Fatt Drummer Boy’s Lament Mix] (ft. KatazTrophee)

The Savvy & the Chic is a chillout album series, compiled and mixed by Hektor Thillet. This series features an eclectic mix of music available in the Creative Commons Music Community. All tracks are CC-licensed.

Visit the official website and listen or download the albums HQ, along with album art and extras at: http://thesavvyandthechic.b...

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"The Savvy & The Chic Vol1: Navigator *Album Compiled by Hektor Thillet*"
by TheSavvyAndTheChic

2012 - Licensed under
Creative Commons
Noncommercial Sampling Plus

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