Imagination Rising Remix Event
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The Evil Inside

uploaded: Fri, Dec 11, 2009 @ 9:53 PM
FeaturingPitx, Fireproof Babies, error404, Calling Sister Midnight
Recommends (22)
I was listening to stuff tonight and came across this awesome Origin song by Pitx and wanted badly to do something to it. For starters I wanted to make it longer so I chopped err all up in a blender. I then played through the track a few times so that it played out to over 3 minutes. I then added a bass line and reinforced some of the drums a bit. then I tried singing, but it wasn’t working (I got a head cold right now). So I searched around CCmixter for a bit and came across Calling Sister Midnight’s pella for Hit Me Up and really liked the emotion it added to the song. After that I topped it all off with a little vocoded violin, so I hope you all enjoy…

"The Evil Inside"
by Tenny

2009 - Licensed under
Creative Commons
Noncommercial Sampling Plus

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