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Sweet 16

uploaded: Sat, Nov 7, 2009 @ 8:24 AM last modified: Sat, Nov 7, 2009 @ 8:26 AM  (add)
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This is a poem I wrote over 15 years ago. I figured I would try to sing it.

I see you, Flying over me
Leading me to the crystal sea
Make me, if you will
end my life yet you stand still
laughing to the shotgun song
your ignorant cause nothings wrong
I’m satisfied with you gone
I’ve stayed way to long
time got up and left my side
all that’s left is suicide
patience has been my life
a few more slashes with the knife
a roller coaster a bumpy ride
no ones home, I have to hide
darkness haunts me still
its myself I want to kill
I will sleep until I die
open me and let my soul fly
life has made me weep
death has put me to sleep
unconscious state where will you lead
the death I want becomes a need
taken away I forgot how to feel
now my death is finally real

"Sweet 16"
by Tenny

2009 - Licensed under
Creative Commons
Attribution (3.0)

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