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The girl who danced with frogs

uploaded: Wed, Mar 26, 2014 @ 8:43 PM

FeaturingDr. Emiliyan Stankov, Anchor Mejans
Recommends (13)
One evening during the 70’s I was walking home beside the banks of a river when I noticed a beautiful girl sitting on the bank with her feet just touching the surface of the water as it ran its course down to the sea. As I neared she turned towards me and shouted out a fond hello! Taking this as an invitation I joined her and spent an enjoyable hour discussing how to solve the worlds problems. Later she informed me that if I was of a mind she could return to my home for the evening and we could get to know each other in a more relaxed manner. I was not sure what Gods I had pleased but I was sure I was going to be eternally grateful to them.

The following day we woke and went into the town for lunch and our conversation led me to believe we were soulmates. Suddenly just after the last mouthful of a memorable rumbahba she got up and said, “ Oh well time to go for I have kissed another frog who did not turn into my handsome prince”. She disappeared down the high street and I never saw her again.

This is for Sally with grateful thanks.

The original version of this mix included all of Anchors spoken words but unfortunately it is no longer available on this site so I have replaced all but a few words with the incredible vocals of Dr. Emiliyan Stankov. I have taken the liberty to change Emiliyan’s vocal to the key of Cm and moved some of the notes around to fit the BT. You must listen to the original. Goosebump time.

The kisses and frog noises were provided by Mr Tad Pole.

"The girl who danced with frogs"
by Shelflife

2014 - Licensed under
Creative Commons
Attribution (3.0)

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