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That I had when I was young

uploaded: Mon, Apr 1, 2013 @ 4:59 PM
FeaturingDavesant & Brasswoodandwires
Recommends (19)
I took the stems from the original and intended to remix the whole thing. In the end I turned out a more structured song to emphasize the sax.

The djembe, shaker and Moog were taken out and the snare replaced with a more aggressive one but the original snare hits were kept. The bass was too muddy with overtones for my liking so I replaced this with my own live bass. Again I played most of the notes as the original.

The vocal was heavily manipulated from the original to fit the backing track.

Many thanks to Davesant and Brasswoodandwires for some wonderful samples.

"That I had when I was young"
by Shelflife

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