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Home » People » Trey Conner » "transfeatheredbannisters"


uploaded: Fri, May 26, 2006 @ 7:39 PM
byTrey Conner
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Gettin’ “shreddy,” found my way into an “eddy” in the yage flux, thank you Apollo. Then, “I” was hailed/healed by our common icaro, even as it was differing from itself, and this sonic hand-hold instructed me to distribute sonic smoke to gently cloak the bright dazzle. We know what to do: cue, play, press pause, grab transhuman bannister, thank you Valis System A. Then, shred and thread, cloak and dazzle, and overlay with a selection our emerging trellis of icaros, thank you peacefeather.

by Trey Conner

2006 - Licensed under
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