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Virginia's Blues

uploaded: Sat, Feb 16, 2008 @ 7:38 AM
Recommends (4)
Virginia’s Blues… make of it what you will

Virginia’s Blues stretch north and south
Crossing Borders through centuries of worn chains
Keeping us to fields of wishes waiting to be made
Their seeds blown and flown to brilliance above
Save this place
They plead from the river mouths
That bleed through the deepest valleys in the heart of Virginia’s Blues
Flowing to a field of wishes waiting to be made
Freedom’s hues sustained unsighted
From the Colors of history’s humanity divided
In these stains soul’s slavery resided
A crow’s echo still heard
In a field of wishes waiting to be made
From the chains of Virginia’s Blues

"Virginia's Blues"
by Ruggea

2008 - Licensed under
Creative Commons
Attribution Noncommercial (3.0)

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