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Esplanade Blues

uploaded: Sun, Mar 26, 2017 @ 9:20 AM last modified: Sun, Mar 26, 2017 @ 9:22 AM  (add)
byRobert Warrington
Recommends (9)
A song suggested by an acoustic riff by Javolenus.

I see blue days in your unblue eyes
Blue nights in a blue-green town
I see a field of cornflowers
In your eyes of unblue brown

I see the deepening blue of an estuary
I see a deep blue bucket and spade
I see you walking with your family
Under blue flags on an esplanade

I see a navy girl in a sailing hat
I see bluebells poking through
I see blue lettering on a narrow boat
I see a child in royal blue

I see a careful, carefree pleasure cruise
Under powder blue skies
I see many, many, many blues
In your unblue eyes

I see a blue tide flowing
I see a blue tide on the ebb
I see a bright blue dragonfly in flight
In spite of Pharaoh’s web

I see a blue stone for your neck
I see a blue stone for your wrist
I see a flash of sapphire blue
And a flash of amethyst

I see just a touch of midnight blue
On a light blue dress
I see a rose of Persian blue
That grows in a wilderness

I see a blue moon on the wane
I see a blue moon on the rise
I see many, many, too many blues
In your unblue eyes

"Esplanade Blues"
by Robert Warrington

2017 - Licensed under
Creative Commons
Attribution Noncommercial (3.0)

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