Imagination Rising Remix Event
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It's What I Do

uploaded: Sun, Nov 22, 2020 @ 6:49 AM
FeaturingThe Admiral
Recommends (11)
“Remember when the music came
From wooden boxes strung with silver wire”.
Harry Chapin

To make money from music is truly wonderful but the real wealth is being able to just do it in the first place.

Thanks to The Admiral for the great stems.

I play music….that’s what I do
I play it for me I play it for you
You may say I ‘m just a fool
But I’ll always play the music …it’s what I do

And if the time runs through my hands
Like the shifting of coloured sand
In a bottle that is crammed
With 12 tones of crazy plans

You know me well I’ve told my truth
It’s slightly twisted out of shape but its all I knew
And when the dust has been renewed
I will unpick what’s been confused

On salty seas where visions hide
Behind the sail where winds collide
I’ll steer the ship and follow tides
Where bludgeoned hopes lay down to die

God bless your ears for taking time
Just to listen to these notes of mine
I’d do it all once more and shine
But the days of song are moving out of line

"It's What I Do"
by Radioontheshelf

2020 - Licensed under
Creative Commons
Attribution Noncommercial (3.0)

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