Imagination Rising Remix Event
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Still Holding On

uploaded: Sun, Oct 4, 2020 @ 9:21 AM
Recommends (9)
When the streets are empty of the homeless I will stop singing about them.

Great words and vocals from Ms Richards

Kayleigh came with a blanket under her arm
She’d been living with a loser from Birmingham
He’d promised her the world but he only brought her harm

Tom had a picture of a girl and a boy
But now they were older and he was annoyed
That he never tried to find them even when he was employed

Janice had a wooden leg she got it from being high
She tried to fight a lorry but she got tossed aside
She ended on the pavement twisted and barely alive

Big Dan Masters the unofficial king
Down by the river where the Pearly girls screamed
He offered no advice but said he knew everything

Captain Chris was a friend of the waves
He’d fought for forty years and many ships he’d saved
But he ended up scuttled in Scapa Flow bay

These are some of the people living on our streets
Proud but never humbled when in defeat
Once they were somebodies baby nice and sweet

"Still Holding On"
by Radioontheshelf

2020 - Licensed under
Creative Commons
Attribution Noncommercial (3.0)

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