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Skin And Texture Flesh And Bone

uploaded: Mon, Jun 29, 2020 @ 7:54 AM
Recommends (14)
The Hohner blues harp has been the mainstay of many an old puffer over the years. Made most famous by Bob Dylan even if he was not the greatest virtuoso it has seen.

I’m from the Bob Dylan School Of Harmonica

Thanks again to Javolenus for some great guitar. I have enhaced the finger sound to create a percussive effect

I take hope from the great divide
I feel sacred on all sides
I smell chances
I smell fear
A little bit of something
To chase away the years

You share your memories I share mine
We talk of making changes before there is no time
You offer skin and texture
I offer flesh and bone
We are starting our adventure
We’re finding our way home.

Pockets full of heartache for the time we lost
Civil wars and civil words time to count the cost
Good food on the table but bellies still in pain
Try to talk about it there could be much to gain

Sacrifice the humble tread upon their vows
Curse the meek for they’ll inherit everything you have now
Compromise capitulate coerce or contain
All that really matters
Is that they will do the same

"Skin And Texture Flesh And Bone"
by Radioontheshelf

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