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Cardiff Bay Tomorrow

uploaded: Sun, Aug 4, 2019 @ 4:19 AM
FeaturingThe Admiral
Recommends (6)
I have always been a wanderer if not always physically then always in my mind. Forever searching for that special feeling, that magical moment when all would be explained

I am on a well trod journey from the east coast to the west
Maybe taking in some northern towns
Where my music was blessed
By a girl who once was smoother than the dryness she wears now
With a passion for Newcastle that I drank to make her proud

From hills that Sheffield offered driving slow through reckless rain
Back to the lowlands of my memories
And the disappearing claims
That I once had to your body but never to your mind
You were beautiful to love me
But your love was ill defined

For I never was for staying I was always packing bags
Buying tickets from an upright man punched by girls who looked so sad
Its the common denominator its just a fraction of your time
But it feels like endless worry when you heart breaks just like mine

You speak of resignation as the years break down to dust
No excuse for your rambling and the things I cannot trust
Just a mention for the moments when we even lost our lust
Its Cardiff Bay tomorrow if there’s any chance of love.

"Cardiff Bay Tomorrow"
by Radioontheshelf

2019 - Licensed under
Creative Commons
Attribution (3.0)

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