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Soul Searching

uploaded: Sat, Mar 23, 2019 @ 3:15 AM
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Do other animals feel love? Do they suffer and swim in the ocean of emotions that we humans do? Are they subject to the highs and lows that love brings?

Who knows but lets hope so. For though at its sourest love can be the most hurtful thing we experience at its highest it is what makes getting up in the morning so worthwhile.

I want to save you from the shadows lift you up so you can see
The road that leads to confrontations the one you took to get to me
For I am waiting with a sentence that includes love and desire
We can be just who we want to be as the message lifts us higher and higher

Some avenues are lined with heartache some avenues are untwisted lanes
They take us on to rooms of plenty where we are forced to join the game
And if you need some sweet persuasion just think of how far you have come
To be alone unloved no soulmate just a searcher with a passion for the sun

We stand for what we know is human two humans shaking off their pain
The cuts the sores the infestations and a vision of a life gone down the drain
They built a wall to cover our tracks persuaded by the life we led
Too many hopes built over bad ground too many words we never said

You had your grief I had my demons I shared them with you through the night
The dreams disguising simple heartache we put aside not knowing wrong from right
And if we ever turn to false hopes building our future on the run
It will be the hardest lesson to look and see what we’ve become

"Soul Searching"
by Radioontheshelf

2019 - Licensed under
Creative Commons
Attribution (3.0)

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Editorial pick

Folk ballad in the vein of Johnny Cash. With the tender string work of Aussens@iter as accompaniment, Radioontheshelf shares this deeply touching and romantic ballad. Universal in its message, let this touch your heart and lift your spirit.


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