1914 - 18
uploaded: Sat, Nov 10, 2018 @ 2:04 AM
Tomorrow, Sunday, we commemorate the 100th anniversary of the end of the First World War.
A million British soldiers died and throughout Europe the total lives lost was over 10 million. All this happening in 4 horrendous years only ceasing at 11.ooam on the 11th of November 1918. A few days before the ending of hostilities the English poet Wilfred Owen was killed at the age of 25. This piece is based on his wonderfully evocative poem “Strange meeting” We had escaped the trenches and dusted off our failure and headed for the future together arm in arm You with your regrets and I with my victory yet both of us in tatters our bodies wrecked and torn We had believed the stories that all our generals told us they’d promised us Valhalla they said it was our due But the barbed wire ripped us it gave us no salvation and the bullets stripped our virtue left us dying on the ground Then I heard a cry a scream that chilled my future I looked to see who had made it whose life was at an end Then I realised that the voice that I was hearing had come from my own body as I laid there on the ground In the mud we laid together wrapped in each others arms and the blood that left our bodies joined us in a river of red Above us in the cold air we heard our comrades laughing for they had made it back to safety ready to fight again They knew that we were missing along with many others the night air was vibrating with the cries of dying men Then the last journey started and we gathered up our memories raised our shattered bodies and walked towards the light You shared my journey we were each others heroes we only had each other but in that we rejoiced We were our countries martyrs we gave our bodies freely we were just two of many who paid the highest price In the fields of France the crosses stand reminders of our journey from British towns and villages to free the rights of men And though we knew our chances of surviving mans atrocities were small and not worth having We still packed them in our bags And the poppies that are swaying in the breeze that gently blows Tell the story of the men who never came home
media, remix, non_commercial, audio, mp3, 44k, stereo, CBR, passion, male_vocals, indulging_unashamedley
1914 - 18
The Mixversation
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"1914 - 18"
by Radioontheshelf 2018 - Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial (3.0) ![]() Click here for how to give credit and other conditions. |