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People Like you And Me

uploaded: Sat, Oct 20, 2018 @ 6:58 AM
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We never see ourselves as others see us. We think we know who we are but to those that pass us on the streets we are what the moment brings. As humans we quickly draw conclusions based on what we see and hear in those few seconds as we move past each other on our journeys to who knows where. When seated on busses and trains we glance at our fellow travellers and in a second see the beauty queen sitting next to the axe murderer. The drug dealer squashed up against the old lady who talks to herself or does she just have a phone somewhere on her. The girl who looks like a man or is it the man who looks like a girl. What in turn do they think of us as we shuffle from dawn to dusk briefly appearing in front of them. Am I the man of their dreams or some creepy fellow with a closet full of body parts.

One girls talking says her boyfriends a jerk he hates all authority and is allergic to work
He’s got a two year old Mercedes that he bought from a guy with a bag full of tablets guaranteeing a high
She says when she gets brave enough she’s going to leave but he’s told her if she tries to he will break both her knees
He’s not a man of many words unless he’s trashing the law but she knows he really means it cause he’s done it before

These are some of the people just like you and me
Some of the people walking in our streets
Some of the people make me feel like a creep
Some of the people walking in our streets

Gods got a message so the poster said as the man with the sandwich board tried to profess
That the best way to glory was by way of the Lord but the shoppers on the high st were looking for much more
Not a quick salvation but a quick way to greed so they could buy a lot more of the things they don’t need
And now they’ve got the internet they’ve got their own mall packed full of goodies for the guys and gals

Bob loves Alice but he doesn’t know that Alice was born Adam and it’s only the clothes
That make him look attractive with a femine touch underneath he’s got some baggage that might prove too much

"People Like you And Me"
by Radioontheshelf

2018 - Licensed under
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