Imagination Rising Remix Event
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Out in the Rain

uploaded: Sun, Aug 26, 2018 @ 8:23 AM last modified: Mon, Aug 27, 2018 @ 1:34 AM  (add)
FeaturingOffline bouncer
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Politicians seem in most cases to have diarhea when it comes to intelligence but a bad case of constipation when it comes to common sense. But who amongst us would want their job. They are open to the microscopic scrutiny of the media and their every word and deed exposed for good or bad on social networks.

Somebody once suggested to me that I should go into politics but I have too many skeletons in my closet to take the risk. I suspect most of us have.

This should never stop us questioning those we have elected but remember for every tarnished politician there are thousands of us who freely put them there!!

We put them out in the rain and wonder sometimes why they get wet.

Here they come all the clowns and the villains followed by the fools
With their brittle agenda they taunt us they’ve broken the rules

You got me out in the rain and I’m walking and I am trying to find a new place
You got me out in the rain and I’m talking but you’ve wiped the smile from my face

Its a mystery some say a calling that takes these good men to the edge
Where all of their history awaits them they have only to crawl and to beg

You got them out in the rain and they’re stumbling they cannot see the wood for the trees
You got them out in the rain and they’re grumbling they only wanted to please

So rise up and dance to their music and plain song
Applaud them when ever they fail
And kiss them whenever they’re wrong

You have got us all out in the rain we are naked and exposed and shamed
You have got us all out in the rain we are shaken but won’t take the blame

You have got us all out in the rain denying we should share the cost
You have got us all out in the rain we’re deciding how to bear our loss

"Out in the Rain"
by Radioontheshelf

2018 - Licensed under
Creative Commons
Attribution Noncommercial (3.0)

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