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Sacred Song (ft. airtone and Snowflake)

uploaded: Thu, Nov 5, 2009 @ 4:37 PM
Featuringairtone and Snowflake
Recommends (9)
Sorry for the lateness. I was having trouble getting the file to upload.

I drew airtone for this round. His sample packs are full of useful and fun sounds. I use Snowflake for the vocal portion.

Sacred song, a secret flame,
the music of spheres compels the dance,
the eternal spiral.

Reborn in spring,
a burning blossom,
rings of wonder.

I sing a sacred song,
and I fall into you,
breath to breath.

"Sacred Song (ft. airtone and Snowflake)"
by PorchCat

2009 - Licensed under
Creative Commons
Attribution Noncommercial (3.0)

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