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The Patient Ground

uploaded: Mon, Oct 28, 2013 @ 8:56 PM
Recommends (20)
(feat. robwalkerpoet with the spoken word sample)

Stellarartwars has a great collection of 80’s techno samples, (which I love btw).

The one thing, though that stuck out was his samples in “Elements.” Using some very basic raw samples, he crafted deep samples with many layers and a drum track which created a very unique mood and color to the spoken word - with a great hook within.

Alot of times one has to create a hook or do alot of refinement with samples - not so with Stellarartwars - he has already done the magic with samples, drum loops, and subtle but strong hooks! (and has like 10+ pages of them!)


"The Patient Ground"
by Papa_Zulu

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