Imagination Rising Remix Event


uploaded: Thu, Aug 30, 2012 @ 1:44 PM
byMind Map That Music Map Podcast
Featuringfrgtf, Clarence Simpson, unreal dm, Javolenus, Zep Hurme, Admiral Bob, Speck, Jeris, Abstract Audio, CSoul, KungFu, Fireproof Babies, Morusque, facelessiwonder, Vidian, Ciggi Burns, annabloom, Mana Junkie, debbizo, Syenta, Stephen Wilson, Piero Peluche, snowflake, Nethis, State Shirt, Chuck Berglund, Ephemeral Rift, Rob Walker
Recommends (12)
For your listening pleasure… I present… MMTMMP 14! I do hope you enjoy!

*Thank you to all of the musicians involved in this podcast.

*Catch the new ccMixter podcast, Steeped (hosted by KungFu!), in the middle of September. It’s flippin’ awesome!

*The next MMTMMP will air at the end of September. See you then!

by Mind Map That Music Map Podcast

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