Imagination Rising Remix Event
Home » People » Loveshadow » "Somebody We Know"

Somebody We Know

uploaded: Sun, Nov 24, 2019 @ 3:29 AM
Recommends (31)
I uploaded my first mix here in August 2007.

In those 12 years there have been people who have walked out of my life leaving spaces for deep sadness,some who left this earth forever, while a few souls arrived here for the first time. I guess as James said `I‘ve seen fire and I’ve seen rain.’

But in the wake of and between the shadows there has been light and moments of true joy and awakening. Through all of it my constant companion who never leaves is not music itself, but the making of it.

I don’t listen to a lot of things and barely ever have a radio on. The real high of making music for me comes down to a few seconds, often of just one or two bars that is a combination of notes or a sung phrase that bears something familiar or unique that only I can hear.

For in the making of a new work or remix no one on the planet anywhere will ever hear it before I do. That’s the sensory personal and solitary reward of simply being alive.

Even in this pretty straight forward mix there are things that you will never know how long they took to create or will not be able to unravel the combination of elements that make it what it is.

I don’t think I would have ever progressed musically if I had not been here on CC Mixter, and if people were not sharing their talent in this way.

Somebody We Know is always falling in love, if not with a person then a place, a brush and canvas,the blank page of a book or a piece of wood with strings.

Don’t give up on that passion you have been led to, let it be and make it endure, if only for a few precious seconds, as nothing ever lasts and nothing ever will.

Thanks Panu and CC Mixter.

"Somebody We Know"
by Loveshadow

2019 - Licensed under
Creative Commons
Attribution Noncommercial (3.0)

Click here for how to give credit and other conditions.

Editorial pick

With every single tone in this mix you recognize the long and deep connection between LoveShadow and Panu.
Not a single moment in this excellent production rich of details draws attention away from Panu songwriting skills. Friendship expressed by music.

Siobhan Dakay

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