by | Loveshadow |
length | 3:03 |
BPM | 120 |
Recommends |
Recommends (26) |
A few changes and a touch of production.
winter_lights_winter_nigh, remix, media, bpm_120_125, non_commercial, audio, mp3, 48k, stereo, VBR, rock, electro, drums, female_vocals, guitar
Recommended by:
stellarartwars, Jeris (VJ_Memes), panu (panumoon), Snowflake, ditto ditto (ditto), Linden Tree (Michael_Lindentree), Speck, urmymuse, texasradiofish, TheDICE, Alex (AlexBeroza), diaphane, musikpirat, Piero Peluche (pieropeluche), Dorio_Vanti, essesq, Zep Hurme, salvatore_j, Robbero, Kara Square (mindmapthat), unreal_dm, wwin, SackJo22, Lasswell (lazztunes07), sbenrap, MICHAELJACKSONRADIOITALIA