Mississippi ( The Phoenix Mix )
uploaded: Tue, Sep 2, 2008 @ 5:41 AM
About 200 years ago, i did a mix called EVP on another site.
It was well received but somehow the vocal never really cut it. I remember feeling that it held me back. This mix is principally the same with the addition of some guitar work. A lot of great music by a lot of people are buried in the tombs of other remix sites. So i am taking some of mine back. Note for the wigs: No third party samples used period. The Mixversation
Recommended by:
essesq, colab, Subliminal, spinmeister, guestsofnature, George_Ellinas, Kaer Trouz, Anchor (anchormejans), Red Sky Lullaby (redskylullaby), Alex (AlexBeroza), teru, J.Lang (djlang59), panu (panumoon), Geert Veneklaas (geertveneklaas), duckett, nipponized, Scott Altham (scottaltham), onlymeith, Des Baies (Le_Did), MC Jack in the Box (mcjackinthebox), Vidian, Lasswell (lazztunes07), atoa, Stylz, albosystem, DroidAndTheMalklar, SackJo22, Faldrian, Jacob Nowak, BarryMorgan, Doxent Zsigmond (doxent), Dagon (ggmusic), admin, My Free Mickey (myfreemickey), Steve Nasby (stevenasby), Soundist, davewottel, dydjej_inja Found in 22 playlists
"Mississippi ( The Phoenix Mix )"
by Loveshadow 2008 - Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial (3.0) ![]() Click here for how to give credit and other conditions. |