Imagination Rising Remix Event
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La Sombra Del Amor.

uploaded: Fri, Nov 9, 2007 @ 6:17 AM
FeaturingElvia Vargas
BPM78 but not set
Recommends (21)
Well what a find and what an overwhelming privilege to work with the stunning voice of Elvia Vargas.
The original of this song is quite produced but i simply wanted anyone to hear what a truly great voice this girl has.

So now it is down to just one guitar and Elvia.There is a bridge to this song but i did not use it maybe next time but i hope i did not affect the story by losing what was said.

If i unplug any more, the next mix will be three minutes of silence. :-)

Go to her accapella on Sr Privados’ page and reccomend/comment and hopefully she will do more and send a few more treasures our way. Much Love to you Elvia where ever you are x

The Shadow Of Love feat: Elvia Vargas

"La Sombra Del Amor."
by Loveshadow

2007 - Licensed under
Creative Commons
Attribution Noncommercial (3.0)

Click here for how to give credit and other conditions.

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