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Thistle Rose (Operatic Prelude with an Admiral Ending Mix)

uploaded: Sat, Feb 16, 2013 @ 9:34 PM
byJoel Frijters
FeaturingAdmiral Bob
Recommends (19)
So here goes… The Admiral being a mainstay on this site was a tough task for me to do well. Instantly I knew that I needed to do something musical and simple. I scoured the vast catalog of Admiral Bob and not-too-surprisingly I was surprised by a track I had never heard before called The Wait.

I then had to figure out how to add some beauty to an already beautiful piece. This is the conundrum with adding something to the work of the Admiral. A few times I have failed (shamefully) trying to add something to an Admiral Bob track. The puzzle was solved two ways.

Emotion and Deconstruction are always your friends. Well maybe not always :) So long story short I wrote a song based on one delicious strand of The Wait. I then recorded all the verses on top of each other and I fell in love with the mix. There is an alternate mix coming your way but this is it for now :) So as to not strain your ears the lyrics of the song are below. My not-so-secret wish is that someone can do something beautiful with the song as emotionally it was a toughie… Anyway I speak too much :)


The Lyric:
Forever I will stand intertwined
From across the world
To the middle of the girl

Kitchen chairs and frock’s forlorn
White knuckle, grip tight
On a cup that should not last the night

*I want to wish you peace that you don’t feel
*I wish you could know that it is really real

Lay your head down please
I am tired, you are tired, rest here
Echo my song, don’t dare repeat my fears

It’s cracked by itself, corridored by itself
He isn’t welcome yet not by me anyway
Write if you must but he can’t stay

*I want to wish you peace that you don’t feel
*I wish you could know that it is really real

It’s all black now, can’t see the bright you saw
Knitted brow, nestled into calm
My soul screams but all for soothing balm

It’s death I see for you and not for me
The problem is you and are thistle rose
I kiss your cold cheek, your chin your nose

*I want to wish you peace that you don’t feel
*I wish you could know that it is really real

I was going to check if you were ok.
Then I saw your camera.
Then I saw your camera.

I will crush all evidence,
Don’t fret we will just be.

"Thistle Rose (Operatic Prelude with an Admiral Ending Mix)"
by Joel Frijters

2013 - Licensed under
Creative Commons
Attribution Noncommercial (3.0)

Click here for how to give credit and other conditions.

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