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Mr Rabbit

uploaded: Fri, Jul 22, 2016 @ 11:03 AM last modified: Fri, Jul 22, 2016 @ 11:24 AM  (add)
byStefan Kartenberg
FeaturingBlue_Wave_Theory, Silke Schmiemann
Recommends (25)
Music by Blue Wave Theory
Vocals and lyrics by Silke Schmiemann and Stefan Kartenberg

Mr Rabbit

Down in the reeds there´s an old house
since they have left it´s a ghost house
there´s a sign on the wall tell us better not to come in
Down in the reeds there´s an old house

Down by this house there´s an old lake
and in the dawn the fog appears at the surface
A cold breeze whispered through the reeds and something rustles
suddenly you see the ears of Mr. Rabbit

oh, they call him Mr. Rabbit
oh, simply Mr. Rabbit
you´ve never seen such a creature like this - a human body and a rabbit face
oh, they call him Mr. Rabbit
oh, Mr. Rabbit

Mr rabbit makes his way through the reeds
he tries to hide, his very long ears
under a big hat, cos he wants to be incognito
if you try to talk to him you see him dissapear

Oh, Mr. Rabbit
Oh, Mr. Rabbit
Oh, Mr. Rabbit

once there was an old man
living in an old house down by the lake
rumors says the man was hunting for rabbits just for fun
since the day the rabbits disappeared for a while
then came back and cast a spell over the old man
- so he looks like a rabbit too now

"Mr Rabbit"
by Stefan Kartenberg

2016 - Licensed under
Creative Commons
Attribution (3.0)

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Editorial pick

With a trippy vintage 60s flare, Stefan Kartenberg and Silke Schmiemann’s vocal additions to Blue Wave Theory’s instrumental create a must listen mix. Have you seen Mr. Rabbit?

Kara Square

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