Imagination Rising Remix Event
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Heaven In Their Eyes

uploaded: Thu, Dec 6, 2012 @ 9:34 AM last modified: Thu, Dec 6, 2012 @ 9:54 AM  (add)
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Demo of an original song. Wrote and recorded this very quickly—a matter of a few minutes. I’ll add stems. Would really appreciate a proper production job on this coz the whole thing was rushed. I’ll add two vocal stems (takes 1 & 2) in case anyone wants to spin the song out a bit. Lyrics:

the night is cold but there’s no snow
boy and girl no place to go
penniless no way to cope
an unborn child their only hope
but there’s a star in the sky
promising something gold can’t buy
and no wise men can fathom why
they got heaven in their eyes
the night dark black as sable
the road is hard and there’s no stable
they gotta keep on moving if they’re able
one day they’ll laugh at this fable
coz there’s a star in the sky
promising something gold can’t buy
and no wise men can fathom why
they got heaven in their eyes

"Heaven In Their Eyes"
by Javolenus

2012 - Licensed under
Creative Commons
Attribution Noncommercial (3.0)

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