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Fu Inle Silflay Ft. Antonio Raijekov (Zeos), Gloss, AdmiralBob and Andy Sullivan

uploaded: Tue, Sep 11, 2012 @ 12:04 PM
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This is an informal theme song for my rabbit book as well as anyone having a read of Watership Down, it’s obviously inspired by that. “Fu Inle Silflay” literally means “to go out and chew grass after moonrise.” It’s from “Lapine” which is a fictional language in Richard Adam’s book.

And as a side note for those that know me, I apologize for my absence, there’s a story behind it but descriptions arent the place for it 8^p

"Fu Inle Silflay Ft. Antonio Raijekov (Zeos), Gloss, AdmiralBob and Andy Sullivan"
by coruscate

2012 - Licensed under
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