Imagination Rising Remix Event
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L'épée de Damoclès

uploaded: Fri, Oct 6, 2023 @ 8:28 AM
Recommends (6)
Twenty Five
Singing part 1: BoB Admiral
Singing part 2: Bluemillenium

samples ici:

Mr BoB Admiral, I was inspired by your singing and your voice.
I used my VST and Kronos. with arrangement 2023
The whole thing doesn’t sound perfect yet, but the rhythm part will give you energy, I really want it to.

The guitar sample comes from a Charlie Hunter bank.

I sing the second part.

Good listening to all and take samples for your creations.


I don’t know if I’ve got the words
But I’ll put it into words just so
Just so you know
25, 25 isn’t magic, it’s love
and love is more than magic
it’s the truth, the truest part of ourselves
When we draw from each other
I can see, I can see that you’re my lover
The only one who sees into me like no one before me
You open doors to parts of me I never knew existed
You burrow into my soul, you burrow into my soul
You keep making me whole in a way I’ve never been whole before
And if I wanted you more, I could explode
I’ll never leave this mode, I want to shine from my heart
I want to take you far, far away
Like a distant star shining from afar
I want to bring you my love, a love you deserve
and now I must keep my word and be like never before
I must learn to give you more, more of what I should be
The man you make me want to be, the man who came to believe
That you were ins

Translated with (free version)

"L'épée de Damoclès"
by Bluemillenium

2023 - Licensed under
Creative Commons
Attribution Noncommercial (3.0)

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