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I Hear (Adaptation)

uploaded: Mon, May 7, 2018 @ 5:56 AM last modified: Mon, May 7, 2018 @ 6:08 AM  (add)
Recommends (7)
Merci à Mr Gurdonark pour sa belle track, modifiée dans Ableton, avec un vocodeur, et des multiples effets.

J’ai ajouté quelques pistes avec le Kronos .

J’ai utilisé un sample de violons de
Dimitri Artemenko

Je remercie Sackjo pour son texte pleins d’émotions et si bien chanté…

Texte de Sackjo 22:


chosen we wander in a web of derision until we are lost
in a wind of decision, like dust we are tossed
it’s a storm of choice
which is the right voice to follow?
which is the voice?

the light filters gently through the glass of shrines
the men, they pray gently, their words being mine
arcs of a culture embrace me within as the year ends and begins again

today you are sleeping in your childhood bed while I try to recall the words I read
“you shall not have idols… .”
we are free to assume the shape of knowledge through time’s vacuum
the chosen being free to choose
the way I choose to look at you

today, you’re at your father’s house worshipping his god
I sit there quietly, the prayer surrounding me
thinking what you mean to me
wondering about destiny
listening for the voice to free me

Contents of ZIP Archive: Samples_Bluemillenium

  • /Coeur plaintif.flac (742.09KB)
  • /Ethno 5b.flac (406.79KB)
  • /flte.flac (640.30KB)
  • /gurdonark_-_Winter_Vybrations_reverse.flac (509.56KB)
  • /Wierd 1.flac (299.18KB)
  • /BT_sans le chant.flac (15.39MB)

"I Hear (Adaptation)"
by Bluemillenium

2018 - Licensed under
Creative Commons
Attribution Noncommercial Share-Alike (3.0)

Click here for how to give credit and other conditions.

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